Friday, September 22, 2017

Stop 5: Oneida Lake, NY

One of our duller stops. Oneida Lake was in the right place on the map. If we had been walleye fishermen, it would have been great.

Our spot on the edge of the miniature golf course. At least we thought that it was edge until the Friday night rush caused them to put someone between us and the course (the other spot didn't exist on the map but I guess that extra table should have been a clue)

There's that extra table again.
 After a trip to Walmart, we stopped at the edge of the East end of the lake and took the pictures. I should mention that the Erie Canal uses Oneida Lake to cover about 30 miles of it's length.

Looking toward the South.

A little farther West.

Continuing toward the North.

Looking North along the shore.

Again, North along the shore. I have no idea why those boats are up on stilts.
Since this is a slow news day, I'll mention one of my major successes on this trip. We have closets on either side of the bed. There's another closet so, early on, we realized that the bedside closets needed to have shelves. We went to target and found some vinyl shelf system that hung in the closet and were just the right width.

After our first trip, we realized that all of our clothes were sliding off of the 3 shelves during every leg. I cut some Masonite panels to keep the shelves flat and fully extended. That improved the situation but, on bumpy legs, we still had everything sliding off the shelves (sometimes the Masonite slid off the shelves).

After our first leg on this trip, I'd had enough. We bought some heavy duty Gorilla double stick tape and glued the Masonite in place. 3M makes a non-slip tape for the edge of stairs. We put a strip of that across the front and across the middle of each shelf.

Nothing has slipped since that first leg.


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